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Dental Tips & News

Why is Restorative Dental Care So Important?

In this post, our Calgary dentists explain the different types of restorative dental treatments and how they help restore your smile.

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5 Reasons to Consider Dental Veneers

Dental restoration options are available to help improve the appearance and function of your existing teeth for years to come. Our Calgary dentists list five reasons you may want to consider dental veneers.

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Gum Disease & Gum Care: Information, Prevention & Care

Gum disease can not only threaten your oral health, but it can also cause other problems. Our dentists in Calgary explain how to improve gum health and prevent periodontitis.

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Debunking the Top 7 Myths Around Cosmetic Dental Procedures

You may have heard some 'facts' regarding cosmetic dental services that you are skeptical of. Our dentists in Calgary want to set the record straight about some common misconceptions.

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Options for Replacing Missing Teeth

Our dentists in Calgary can offer a range of options for replacing those missing teeth. You and your dentist will work together to determine the best option for you. 

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What are my options for teeth whitening?

You're aiming for a bright, white smile. But what's the best teeth whitening option for you? Our dentists in Calgary explain teeth whitening options and their effects. 

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Can Children Get Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an oral health condition that's extremely common among Canadian adults. However, many people are not aware that children can also be impacted by this disease. Here, our Calgary dentists explain how this happens and what can be done to prevent it.

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What actually happens when you get your teeth whitened?

You've seen your friends and maybe favourite celebrities achieve great results from teeth whitening - but how does the procedure actually work? Our dentists in Calgary shed light on how the teeth whitening process can brighten your smile. 

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What is the difference between dental implants and dental bridges?

Dental bridges and dental implants can both be used to replace one or more missing teeth. Our Calgary dentists can help you choose the best tooth replacement option that best suits your specific oral health needs. 

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Do braces hurt?

Wondering if having braces hurts? Our Calgary dentists tell you how to avoid pain during and after having braces.

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New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in downtown Calgary? We're happily accepting new patients at our location! Contact us to get started today. 

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